
good mood是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

good mood



1.好心情 13.Lock time 锁住时间 15.Good mood 好心情 18.Mayday 五月天 ...

2.情绪好 仔细考虑 Careful consideration 情绪好 Good mood 学做某事 Learn to do something ...

3.好气 豪气[ heroism] 好气[ good mood] 浩气[ noble spirit] ...

4.良好情绪 ... ) a bad frame of mind 情绪不好 ) good mood 良好情绪 ) in a good humour 心情(情绪)好 ...

5.分享好心情 无论如何 Whatever I did 分享好心情 Good mood 中央大钟的布告栏 Bulletin Board ...

6.情绪和正向心情多数人经常把正向情绪和正向心情(good mood)混淆,两者的意义是不同的。「情绪」是关於一些个人主观感受,特别是指短暂 …

7.轻注好心情轻注好心情 (Good mood)   2010-08-29 郝思文   我想普通的门径是不可以有长赌能赢钱的。

8.良好心情感层面为理论基础去测量快乐,例如测量良好心情good mood);有些研


1.When you gain optimistic, open-minded, placid and substantial attitude, it's natural for you to be in good mood.当拥有了乐观豁达、平和殷实心态,你的心情自然快乐,你会微笑着面对生活、工作!

2.he said cheerfully. He was in a very good mood. Obviously he thought nobody stood a chance of reaching them here in a storm to deliver mail.他兴奋地说,弗农姨父看上去心情好极了,很显然他认为没有人有可能在暴风雨中把信送到一个孤岛上来。

3.Although Beijing rain today, but I still feel a good mood, because today, not all day, sina, is with me!虽然今天北京阴雨连绵,但依旧好心情,因为今天,不,是每天,新浪都与我同行!

4.Bowie said he has been very busy these last few days, can see that he also looked a bit tired as well. But he was definitely in a good mood.保怡说他最近几天很忙,可以看出他仍然很有点疲劳,但是他心情确实不错。

5.Within a few months, Eleanor marries a very wealthy and important man, which puts the General in a good mood.在短短几个月内,埃莉诺嫁给了一个十分富有的和重要的人,使一般的好心情。

6.McGuffin said the primary use for St. John's wort is maintaining good mood and a sense of well-being.McGuffin称,贯叶连翘主要用于维持良好的情绪,提升人的幸福感。

7.He was the type of person who was always in a good mood, always up, always had something positive to say.他是这样一种人--总是心情快乐、情绪高涨,总能说出积极的话来。

8.The sweetest most gentle smile, like a gentle wind in the heart, and let your sea rippling all day have a good mood.最可亲,最温柔的微笑,像在心里轻轻的风,让你的海上荡漾整天有个好心情。

9.The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.秋天的田野硕果累累,人们在收获的季节总是会欢欣鼓舞。

10.They were in a good mood most of the time despite having their blood cleaned three times a week for at least three months.尽管要进行每周三次至少三个月的血液净化治疗,但大部分时候他们心情都很好。